Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Why Puppet Enterprise?

Puppet Enterprise is the commercially supported, packaged release of Puppet, the leading open source solution for enterprise systems management, including data centre automation and configuration management. Puppet automates the provisioning, patching, and configuration of operating system and application components across enterprise and cloud infrastructure. Puppet Enterprise packages the underlying components required, and bundles the requisite support and services necessary to support enterprise deployments.

Puppet Open Source vs Puppet Enterprise

(Reference http://puppetlabs.com/puppet/compare/)

1) Simplified Integration & Installation: Get up to speed immediately with a pre-built integration of Puppet, Puppet Master, Dashboard, Facter and all Puppet dependencies such as Ruby, Passenger, and Apache.

2) Scalable: Pre-configured to offer out-of-the-box scalability and the performance levels required in large installations.

3) Tested & Approved: Packaged, tested and QA’d by Puppet Labs engineers

4) Support: Enterprise-class support is included, Issue resolution, feature enhancement priority requests, and best practices advice.

5) Always Current: Maintenance is included in your license. You always have access to the latest and greatest releases of the integrated platform.

6) Security updates: Security is prime importance to any organization for smooth operation. Using Puppet enterprise inbuilt modules it’s really easy to manage security updates, security patches, SSH/SUDO management and testing them before push them to production environment.

7) Patch management: Tracking software, testing news patches and patching is extremely easy with Puppet enterprise solution.

8) Puppet related software security updates: One of the primary advantages of using Puppet Enterprise is the fact that you no longer need to package and maintain the various versions of Apache, Ruby, Passenger, etc. in order to run Puppet effectively. Ensuring that our customers receive timely security updates was carefully considered when we decided to bundle the software packages in Puppet Enterprise. As a response Puppet Labs has integrated a security alert monitoring and update process into our Puppet Enterprise build process.

9) Time: Using Puppet enterprise it improves the time taken to deploy servers and clone processes, packages and systems on the fly.

10) Live management: Using Puppet enterprise Live management feature its really easy to manage services, packages, users attributes, Puppet module management, and advanced tasks like replication.

 11) Discover Resources and Their Relationships: Through the new GUI, right out-of-the-box PE 2.0 automatically discovers all resources – packages, hosts, groups, and users. With Puppet Enterprise you define the desired-state of your infrastructure as relationships between resources. Immediately start seeing results without having to learn CLI commands or the Puppet DSL.

12) Visually Clone Resources To Scale Quickly, Efficiently, and Reliably: Because you need to scale quickly without sacrificing service levels, PE 2.0’s new GUI allows you to visually browse, select, and clone resources across nodes, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your infrastructure.

13) Quickly Deploy Critical Updates with a Single Command: Critical updates, such as security vulnerabilities, require fast yet coordinated action. PE 2.0’s new orchestration capability allows you to query your infrastructure to discover the vulnerable nodes and then, with a single command, schedule simultaneous updates. Upon completion, PE 2.0 gives you a single aggregated report of the results.

14) Monitor Changes, Enforce Compliance Policies: How is your infrastructure changing over time? With PE 2.0’s new compliance capability, you now can visually monitor for any unauthorized changes against your desired-state baseline. Quickly and efficiently get the insights you need to create and support your change management and auditing policies.

15) Rapidly Add Virtual Machines and Cloud Capacity: PE 2.0’s new provisioning capability allows you to quickly and easily create new instances of VMware and Amazon EC2. Then, you can configure and manage these instances using the same manifests you created for your physical infrastructure. Swiftly respond to changing capacity demands while future-proofing your investment in infrastructure configuration and management.

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